...Or "Saving Grace"?
This little squirrel looked like he was saying grace, thanking God for the abundance of seeds that had been scattered by the birds from my feeder! |
"Saying Grace"
Could it be that when we "Say Grace" over our meals,
thanking God for His provision of food,
(and asking Him to bless it)
that "Saying Grace" actually becomes "Saving Grace"?
“But you—you serve your God
and He’ll bless your food and your water.
I’ll get rid of the sickness among you;
...I’ll make sure you live full and complete lives."
(From The Message translation)
"The Spirit makes it clear that as time goes on,
some are going to give up on the faith
and chase after demonic illusions
put forth by professional liars.
These liars have lied so well and for so long
that they’ve lost their capacity for truth...
They’ll tell you not to eat this or that food—
perfectly good food God created to be eaten heartily
and with thanksgiving by believers who know better!
Everything God created is good,
and to be received with thanks.
Nothing is to be sneered at and thrown out.
God’s Word and our prayers
make every item in creation holy."
(This is from The Message translation)
I'm not talking here about "saving grace" that saves our souls from eternal punishment.
I'm just wondering if we've gone a bit over-board on touting health foods,
placing too much value on the healing power of the food
instead of on the God in Heaven who made the food?
This is something that I personally have done at times...
but am trying, by God's grace, to have balance and get the right perspective.
What do you think?
I'd love to hear your opinion!