Monday, June 21, 2021

Women Warriors!


I came across an old wedding dress.

I don't know who it belonged to,
and don't even remember how it 
became a part of my possessions.

I wonder what stories it could tell.
What happened to the woman who wore this dress?
Did she have a happy marriage?
Did she have children?
Did she work outside the home?
What were her interests?

My thoughts turned to women in the Bible.
Several of them are my heroes,
but I recently took a closer look at Deborah.
Do you know her story?
You can read it by clicking on this LINK.

Deborah lived in the time of the Judges of Israel.
This was a time when often they were without a leader,
and "everyone did what was right in their own eyes".

My admiration grew for Deborah 
as I made a summary of some of her accomplishments.
Here's a few:
 She was a wife.
 She was a prophetess.
She was a judge.
She was an advice giver -
(Her office was a palm tree!)
She was not afraid of conflict.
She was not afraid to give God's messages.
She was undaunted by what other people thought.
She believed God.
She encouraged others to trust God.
She obeyed God even when others were skeptical.
She was a song writer, music maker and worship leader.
She was considered a "Mother for Israel".
She enlisted God's help with her projects.
She marched on with courage and obedience.
She was not afraid to call out by name those who wouldn't help!
She brought 40 years of peace to Israel with her leadership.

What an example!
I think we could call her a Proverbs 31 woman!

Here's a few of my favorite
Sisters in Christ who listen, laugh, encourage,
 and will fight with you in prayer!

But there's absolutely nothing better than SISTER WARRIOR friends,
...Siblings that know the best and the worst of you,
and still love you,
stand with you through the storms of life,
praying, encouraging, loving 💓 ,
and not afraid to do battle with the enemy of our souls!

Oh yes!
Thank God for fun-loving, God-loving sisters
Prayer Warrior Women!

But what about daughters?
Oh my, YES!
Daughters who grow up to be your "Besties"!

Daughters are Women Warriors,
Women of Faith,
Women of Prayer!


Friday, June 4, 2021

A Closer Look...

This Morning's Walk...

Often when we look at things...

we hardly take notice of the beauty ...

 and the small things...

that are right before our eyes!

God has made everything beautiful
for its own time.

Often we look,
but we don't really see!

My prayer today is that 
God would open my eyes 
to see what He wants to show me,
whether in His world or in His WORD!