Many times I have thanked God for His protection of my husband. I have often thought that he must have more than one guardian angel because of the many close calls he has had.
One morning this week before my husband Gary left to work at his tree trimming business, he prayed for safety.
...I prayed that God would put His angels around him and his helper to protect them.

I didn't know how important that prayer might have been until a little later in the day when Gary walked in looking a bit pale and shaken.
He greeted me with the words, "You are very lucky to have a husband, and not be a widow right now!"
They had been working on a dead tree cutting off the limbs near the bottom. They had just repositioned the bucket truck to begin working on the higher branches, when CRASH! A large limb from above where they had been cutting came crashing down on the truck, just missing my husband by about 10 feet!
So, the next day when they went out to work on the job again,
Watching them repeat the procedure for the next
One morning this week before my husband Gary left to work at his tree trimming business, he prayed for safety.
...I prayed that God would put His angels around him and his helper to protect them.
I didn't know how important that prayer might have been until a little later in the day when Gary walked in looking a bit pale and shaken.
He greeted me with the words, "You are very lucky to have a husband, and not be a widow right now!"
They had been working on a dead tree cutting off the limbs near the bottom. They had just repositioned the bucket truck to begin working on the higher branches, when CRASH! A large limb from above where they had been cutting came crashing down on the truck, just missing my husband by about 10 feet!
So, the next day when they went out to work on the job again,
I not only prayed ---
I also made frequent trips out to the job site.
I watched as they tied a rope around the remaining top
of the tree and secured it to Gary's pick up some distance away.
The sawdust flew as they notched the tree.
They placed increasing tension on the rope as they began cutting
on the other side.
With relief I watched as it fell to the ground right
where they wanted it to fall, with no damage to the fence,
to the horses that were in the adjacent field,
or to the two humans who were doing the work!
They placed increasing tension on the rope as they began cutting
on the other side.
With relief I watched as it fell to the ground right
where they wanted it to fall, with no damage to the fence,
to the horses that were in the adjacent field,
or to the two humans who were doing the work!
Watching them repeat the procedure for the next
portion of the tree, I was so aware of
God's protection on us frail human beings.
"See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you..."
"For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go."
What kind of angel experiences have you had?
Aren't you thankful for all the times God has used them to protect you?
Linking today with Laura's Brag on God Friday,
Click here to check out this week's name for God!