Sunday, December 1, 2013

Canada Geese chased by Swans again!

This past weekend while trying to walk off some of  the extra calories
consumed on our Thanksgiving meals,
I was privileged to come upon a unique sight.

Each year when the Canada Geese migrate south
and try to establish residence in our local duck pond,
this scenario seems to happen.

I often hear the commotion as the Canada Geese are being
chased off, then hear and see them as they fly low,
honking loudly as they sail over our house.

But I often don't have time to grab my camera,
and actually witness the scenes as I did this past weekend!

Having chased off the Canada Geese that were near
our side of the duck pond,

the trumpeter swan took off to the other side to finish the job,

routing all the Canada Geese off  "swan territory"...
That is...
until they come back tomorrow!

Last year my neighbor, who has a deck-side view of the pond,
had told me what an interesting sight this was to witness.
At her cuing, I was pleased to capture a few extraordinary shots.
If you missed them, click HERE!

Due to the busyness of Thanksgiving activities,
I didn't visit as many blogger friends posts as usual.
Some of these bloggers have a passion and eye for bird photography,
and can be found at Stewart's "Paying Ready Attention" Photo Gallery.

Are you keeping up with my "Names of God on Rocks"?
My most recent post can be found HERE!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh wow,you caught some great action shots.

Aritha V. said...

Super-photos! Thank you. I love them

eileeninmd said...

Pretty swans and a lovely sight to see. Beautiful photos. Have a happy day!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

I've heard swans can be very aggressive, and you've got the proof here! ;-)

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

Great sequence of photos! I love the upturned wings of the swan in your first.

Arija said...

I loved seeing the swan in full sail but pity the geese his territorial instinct made him chase away. Great photos.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

A USA president presented a pair of Canadian geese to NZ. They grew so fast that farmers wanted to cull them.

Susan Anderson said...

You are really a fine photographer.


Leovi said...

Wonderful photos! I love the framing of these beautiful geese!

Eden House News and views said...

completely awesome

Dave said...

The trials of nature, very well documented here Esther


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous nature photography ~ Adore the swan one ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous nature photography ~ Adore the swan one ~ thanks, carol, xxx

Rajesh said...

Great shots of the birds.

Ingrid said...

Great shots !

SarahBeth said...

That first shot of the swan is a beauty! Awesome to see him in action -- he can really stick that neck out!!

betty-NZ said...

Natural instincts are quite interesting, especially those of territorial animals. What a fun thing to witness--for today!

Anonymous said...

That swan is beautiful in flight - although very territorial!

EG CameraGirl said...

Swans can be very bossy! Mute swans don't make much noise but they sure can hiss and make it clear when another bird is not welcome! ;))

fredamans said...

Wow those swans are big meanies!! Leave my Canadian goose alone, there's room for you all. :-)

Jenny said...

That swan is certainly making sure his territory remains his...

They are all really beautiful birds!

Cute post for the letter "C"...

Thanks for linking!
