Friday, March 22, 2013

Spring Snow Storm

The snow geese actually had some snow this week!
(Our southern neighbors had much more snow
than we did this past winter.)

The lone swan didn't seem at all phased by the snowfall.
(This is the survivor of the mate who flew
 into an electric transformer on a light pole about a year ago!
That little misfortune not only cost him his life -
it also left us without electricity for about 5 hours!)

As my husband and I were taking our little drive,
we almost missed the peacocks, ...

...because we were looking for birds on the ground,
like these mourning doves, ...

...and were not looking high up in the trees!
The peacocks seemed to be trying to get as far from
he snow covered ground as possible.

This kingfisher - I think that's what it is - flew away
before I could get a good shot of him in the sitting position.

A neighbor's cactus poking up through the snow also caught my attention.

But our little dog, Jack, seemed untouched by the snow,
and snoozed in his favorite look-out on the back of the couch.

Job 37:6 says,
"He (God) directs the snow to fall on the earth and tells the rain to pour down."
and Psalm 147:16 says,
"He (God) spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes."

But I am most thankful that not only does God make the snow,
He also makes me white as the snow!
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow."
Isaiah 1:18

Click HERE to see my Name of God for this week,
or check out Stewart's Wild Bird Wednesdays for a link to countless bird posts!


Anonymous said...

I saw those long tail feathers before I read you'd found peacocks. What a surprise! Sad about the swan. Nice scripture tie-in!

Sandy said...

18 years ago when I left Illinois, I lived there for almost 9 years, I said "Never again will I live in snow country".. it was horrible there!
Well now I'm in Florida and seeing photos like yours are fun at a
Thanks so much for your visit to my blog today and your sweet words..
Come on down to feel the warm sun.
Happy Spring

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography ~ and peacocks no less ~ Love Jack ~ he has a 'perch' in the same place ArtMuse Dog does (not her real name) ~ she is a Yorkie ~ Enjoy ^_^

Leovi said...

Beautiful pictures, under the cold snow, very beautiful.

Ingrid said...

I am not pleased with the new swnowfall either ! In March !! I wonder when winter will end !

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

Oh I feel so bad for that lone swan

Lovely pics and post! :)

HA HA God's sending some more snow to us right now! :) Personally if we are GOING to get snow then I hope we get ALOT...I might have an excuse to work from home on Monday and not go to the office! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have ever seen a peacock in the snow before.

HansHB said...

Great to see your serie of photos!

EG CameraGirl said...

Jack looks very comfortable! I bet he was hoping he wouldn't have to go out and get his paws wet. :)

Mary Howell Cromer said...

These are all really nice, but the Peacock images are really amazing!

mick said...

Nice photos of the snow but it looks cold and I'm glad I don't have to live in it!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, great series. Your birds shots are cool. Love the peacock in the tree and the kingfisher shot is neat. Beautiful swans will she find a new mate? Thanks for sharing, have a happy day!

Stewart M said...

I think your kingfisher is a Banded Kingfisher - but I live in Australia so take that with a pinch of salt!

Nice pictures what ever the bird is!

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW - Stewart M - Melbourne

mail4rosey said...

Awww, your dog looks so comfy, happy. :)

These are all great finds! And a cactus in the snow, who knew!

Anonymous said...

Jack knows how to weather the storm.