Wednesday, June 29, 2011


As I mentioned in Rock4Today,
 I know God is our Keeper,
but we are also "keepers" of each other!
Cain seems to have realized that when he asked the Lord,

When our youngest child was born,
the first words I remember my doctor saying were,
"She's a keeper!"
I can truly say that about each of my children.
They are keepers!

I can also say this for my husband.
He is definitely a keeper!
God gave me a gift when he gave me Gary.
Although our lives are so full,
he often takes time to make sure I feel "kept".
He seems to sense when I need a bit of peace,
like taking me out on the lake in the quiet of the evening,
or for an excursion into our beautiful Ozark country.

After saying this, I am embarrassed to admit that
sometimes I tend to think of "keeping" as negative.
For example,
I often don't see how much "keeping" my husband does for me,
and instead, I focus on how much "keeping" he takes!
It's at those times I have to remind myself
of my wise Aunt Mae's words:
"That's the price you pay for having a man!"
Yes, Aunt Mae, he's a good man,
and certainly worth keeping!

Maybe Aunt Mae's words aren't Scriptural advice,
but they are certainly worth paying attention to!

Check out my Rock4Today blog which gives verses
from the Holy Bible that show
God as "My Keeper."
I am so glad that He never gets tired of being "My Keeper!"

For more interesting blogs check out these links:


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Beautiful K thoughts!
Have a great K Day!

Anonymous said...

Hey two great "k" post, there both keepers!

EG CameraGirl said...

It's wonderful to be surrounded by keepers. ;)

Betty said...

Very nicely written. Perfect for the letter K.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I thank God every day for all the "keepers" in my life..I am very blessed.

Anonymous said...

I deeply love my keepers too. They teach me new things everyday.

Anonymous said...

What a great K post. I certainly have some keepers in my life also.

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful K post. I am happy to have my keepers too.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Thoughtful K post. My sister has a dog named Keeper.

Jenny said...

I like that word. Keepers. I have a few myself. And some...well, let me say might be the opposite!

Thanks for a thoughtful and thought provoking link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter K.

I always enjoy seeing what you have to share.


Susan Anderson said...

I'm blessed with keepers, too.


Cheryl D. said...

Oh, that explains the similarity in topic to the other blog! LOL!

Good angle!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

keeper he is, God is divine.

Unknown said...

Lovely poat.

Ingrid said...

Nice post !
I didn't know in which country "The Ozarks" are located and had to google, now I know that you live in the States ! lol !

Georgia said...

I really needed to read about how to not always focus on how much "keeping" i do with my husband. Thank you for posting this.

Sherry Southard said...

I have 3 boys and two girls and 3 grandchildren. Even though I don't get to see them often, I will always cherish the Love I keep in my heart for them. They are all keepers. Thank you for helping me remember that on this blessed day.

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I am go grateful that the Lord doesn't tire of being my keeper as well.
God Bless,

Gayle said...

My husband just finished building a lovely arbor for me today and helped my mom yesterday. He is a keeper as well and I've managed to keep him for over 30 years!

Pamela said...

I'm not sure how much of a keeper I am, but God counts me worthy because of His blood. So thankful to that!


Anonymous said...

Great post. Keepers are good. And it's good to be a "keeper". Thank you for the encouraging post.

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Wonderful post about your "keepers", as well as, a wonderful post to remind us of the blessings in our lives... In all the ways...big and small, how wonderful it is that the Lord has blessed us with those in our lives that are "keepers" and that we continue to be blessings back to those around us. (Often it seems so easy to "take advantage" or even not be as patient with those that are closest to us.) Thank you for sharing...

Blessings & Aloha!

We have been out of town, so am just catching up with my thank you visits (I didnt even get my “one post a week” post up this week)! Thank you so, so much for stopping by my place last week! It was fun for me to reach back into the recesses of my mind and recall those little kid rhymes and games. I may not be as limber or quick as when I was a kid, but I look forward to playing some of those with future grandchildren :o)