Many times I have thanked God for His protection of my husband. I have often thought that he must have more than one guardian angel because of the many close calls he has had.
One morning this week before my husband Gary left to work at his tree trimming business, he prayed for safety.
...I prayed that God would put His angels around him and his helper to protect them.

I didn't know how important that prayer might have been until a little later in the day when Gary walked in looking a bit pale and shaken.
He greeted me with the words, "You are very lucky to have a husband, and not be a widow right now!"
They had been working on a dead tree cutting off the limbs near the bottom. They had just repositioned the bucket truck to begin working on the higher branches, when CRASH! A large limb from above where they had been cutting came crashing down on the truck, just missing my husband by about 10 feet!
So, the next day when they went out to work on the job again,
Watching them repeat the procedure for the next
One morning this week before my husband Gary left to work at his tree trimming business, he prayed for safety.
...I prayed that God would put His angels around him and his helper to protect them.
I didn't know how important that prayer might have been until a little later in the day when Gary walked in looking a bit pale and shaken.
He greeted me with the words, "You are very lucky to have a husband, and not be a widow right now!"
They had been working on a dead tree cutting off the limbs near the bottom. They had just repositioned the bucket truck to begin working on the higher branches, when CRASH! A large limb from above where they had been cutting came crashing down on the truck, just missing my husband by about 10 feet!
So, the next day when they went out to work on the job again,
I not only prayed ---
I also made frequent trips out to the job site.
I watched as they tied a rope around the remaining top
of the tree and secured it to Gary's pick up some distance away.
The sawdust flew as they notched the tree.
They placed increasing tension on the rope as they began cutting
on the other side.
With relief I watched as it fell to the ground right
where they wanted it to fall, with no damage to the fence,
to the horses that were in the adjacent field,
or to the two humans who were doing the work!
They placed increasing tension on the rope as they began cutting
on the other side.
With relief I watched as it fell to the ground right
where they wanted it to fall, with no damage to the fence,
to the horses that were in the adjacent field,
or to the two humans who were doing the work!
Watching them repeat the procedure for the next
portion of the tree, I was so aware of
God's protection on us frail human beings.
"See, I am sending an angel before you to protect you..."
"For He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go."
What kind of angel experiences have you had?
Aren't you thankful for all the times God has used them to protect you?
Linking today with Laura's Brag on God Friday,
Click here to check out this week's name for God!
What an intriguing story! Especially with those pictures. Impressive.
I think God often keeps us without our notice. Once I am convinced that He was with me in the car, and push the brake pedal in my stead. It was impossible not to crash, and that moment I have not bumped the car who suddenly stopped.
God is so good!
the pics with your story really showed His protection. I was in a car accident. Someone jumped a red light and my car folded like an accordian. I walked away without a scratch. His amazing protection.
Oh my! So thankful that the Lord was protecting your husband!
We had a large Eucalyptus tree cut down a couple of years ago. Seeing the guy up at the top of that tree, I thought wow that looks dangerous. So glad your husband didn't get hurt or killed. I definitely believe in guardian angels.
Hi Esther Joy,
I believe in angels. :-)
Recently we had 2 - 3 typhoons hitting our part of the country in quick succession. Now our tiny house of 20 years isn't what it was anymore. It's aging.. just like me. :-) The typhoons came along with their strength and fury.. and when I say strength imagine blowing away roofs, billboards, power lines, uprooting trees, storm surges along the breakwaters, huge floods displacing homes and families that stand in their way. That's no exaggeration, the news have it. Even that of a three-wheel vehicle (a tricycle) thrown down to its side!
My daughters and me (now a widow of 4 yrs) waited with bated breath for the sound of roof parts ripping off in the strong gusty winds and heavy rains. I prayed hard to God to send 10 angels (I don't why I thought of that number for a small expanse of roof such as ours) to sit on our roof and hold it down through the storm. Through the long day and night I held that thought in my mind in the midst of hearing creaking seams, flapping of loose joints, the shaking and rattling of most all of it! (Oh I did check, nope it wasn't the bones or joints in my body). Adding to my distress was looking out the window and seeing how strong and steady my neighbors' roofs looked on the other side of the street. So I repeated '10 angels!'. 10 angels, Lord!
To make a long story short, I still have my roof. Although I didn't get the chance to see the angels nor count how many there were... but they sure held it down well losing not one bit of it to the storm.
I now try to imagine just how wonderful a scene they must have made -- sitting there on my old aging roof in all of their wondrous light and glory!
What a magnificent God we have! :-)
Blessings to you and your family,
P.S. By the way, Had to delete the first try cos something was messing it up. Sorry for that.
God's protection is amazing. So thankful your husband was protected. So many times my family has been protected. And I'm sure there are times we have no idea of.
There have been countless times where our family has been protected. I have a friend who told me that when she was a child she would see large angels riding atop of each car on the street, protecting us. I find comfort every time I load my kids in the car and look at the roof, wondering who is hitching a ride with us. God is good.
Angels, without a doubt. Your photos were great, along with your words.
In January angels were hovering when my husband lay near death due to an aortic dissection. I believe they hover still!
Wonderful intriguing story. I certainly do believe in angels. I believe we are assigned not just one, but many. Blessings.
I think cutting down trees has to be one of the most dangerous of all jobs! Keep praying!
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