Monday, November 5, 2012


Yesterday, my husband took me for a beautiful fall walk
on David's Trail which runs along the shores of Norfork Lake.

It was a perfect day to check it out.

Gary led the way,

and I followed with the camera.
The fall foliage was exquisite.

At times the lake was in sight.
...And most of the time,
so was my husband.

He discovered the labeling posted on various trees.

One of my favorites was the black jack oak,
so brilliant in its fall foliage. 
My husband agreed with the statement on the label
which stated the tree had very hard wood,
and told me that he had dulled many chain saws
while cutting this kind of tree.

Evidence of claw and scratch marks
seemed to indicate that a squirrel had enlarged this hole
to store his winter stash of food.
I think this was a white oak tree.

It was while I was attempting to get a good capture
of these dogwood leaves and berries that I had a little misfortune. 
 When I got off the trail to take the picture,
I failed to see a tree root or stump that was covered with leaves.
Before I knew it, I fell, and was face down on the ground!

Not injured badly, I quickly jumped up and hurried
to catch up with my husband.
Cleaning the dust off my camera,
and explaining about my sudden fall,
I then attempted to take a photo.
The auto adjustment wouldn't work...

The manual lens adjustment would allow me to
bring things into focus,
but was stiff and hard to turn.

I was glad we were near the end of our hike,
and thankful that I wasn't hurt badly by the fall.
My camera will have to be restored,
or a new lens purchased.

As I lay in bed thinking about this,
a verse from 1 Corinthians 10:12 came to my mind.
"So, if you think you are standing firm,
be careful that you don't fall!"


My mind was so intent on taking great photos,
that I got off the trail,
and lost sight of where my real focus should have been!
I think you get the picture.
May yesterday's mistakes keep me from falling today!
To hop on over to God's Names on Rocks, click on ROCK4TODAY!


Aritha V. said...

Well, that's a blog with a clear lesson for everyday life ;- ) Sorry you fell. But ... what is the nature nice there in your area.

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Living in California, I miss the fall colors of my native Maine and New Hampshire. Sorry about the camera, but better to have no broken bones than no broken lens. Sounds like both you and the camera survived -- and got a lesson as well. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Oh. So sorry you fell and damaged your camera. I'm glad you are okay. Your pictures are lovely.

lissa said...

looks to be a lovely place to walk and relax. thanks for sharing. hope you have a great day.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

That sounds like something I would do!

The pictures are great though...

SarahBeth said...

Too bad about your camera (after all, what would we do without them?!) but it's good that your injuries were minor. Lovely fall leaves!

Naperville Now said...

hope your camera is an easy fix -- the shots of the woods were lovely.

Unknown said...

Ah wow! Thank you for dropping by at blog that leads me to follow you here. I am more than happy to meet you's a pleasure. Your blog is awesome!
Definitely keep coming back :)

All the best,

Lmkazmierczak said...

Ordinary Words...Glad you could find an uplifting verse to fall back on♫♪

VBR said...

i love the idea of the trees having information posted on them. what a great experience for hikers! thanks for sharing this walk with us.

Susan Anderson said...

Beautiful walk and an inspirational lesson to go with it. Sorry you had to take that fall, though! Glad you were okay, but it's a drag about your camera.

The whole thing made for a wonderful post!



Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Well its nice how you could find a little humor with a bible verse with your fall. Glad you weren't hurt...but sad your camera got a boo boo:( Terrible...that is one of our best friends isn't it?
Stay blessed,

Jenny said...

Oh no!

I'm glad you're okay!

So sorry to read about your camera!

What a sweet husband you have!

I suspect you gave him a scare with your spill!

Hope you're all mended now and getting ready for Thanskgiving Day!

Thanks for linking.
