I am a birdwatcher!
But first let's get a few things straight...
Do I recognize all the birds in our area?
No, not all of them... but I work at it.
Can I tell which bird it is by listening to its song?
No again... I'm not very good at it,
but neither of these keep me from enjoying their beauty or their song.
Would it surprise you to know that
God uses the birds to teach me about Himself?
This Baltimore Oriole is my latest bird lesson. In the past I had bought oriole feeders, and tried to entice them to come visit me but to no avail. Then this week, SURPRISE! One just showed up at my bird feeder, which by the way, only contained left over cornbread and some fatty trimmings off a roast!
I had read that orioles liked oranges, so decided to put some out.. |
The results were amazing!
It was rather cold outside,
so I dawned my orange jacket
and stuck some orange slices in the crevices
of a large old tree stump on our side yard.
He boldly came out of the trees
and began enjoying the oranges!
I wondered if the ORANGE jacket had anything
to do with getting his attention!
I watched him on and off all day,
and felt like his appearance was a special gift to me
from my Heavenly Father.
This inspired a little Bible study on my part,
and some of what I learned amazed me!
Did you know that after God created the birds,
He talked to them and blessed them?!!
"God blessed them and said,
'Be fruitful and increase in number'..."
Genesis 1:21-23
Then God made a promise to give every green plant for food to
"all the beasts of the earth
...Everything that has the breath of life in it"
After the flood, God included the birds
when He promised not to flood the whole earth again.
God says He provides food for the ravens
when its young cry out to Him.
Job 38:41
Interestingly, it was ravens that God used
to bring food to Elijah.
And the book of Luke says,
"Consider the ravens;
They do not sow or reap,
they have no storeroom or barn:
yet God feeds them.
And how much more valuable you are than birds!
Earlier in that same chapter,
Luke says that not one sparrow is forgotten by God.
He continues, "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
Matthew spends some time driving this point home
in his gospel. He quotes Jesus saying that if our
Heavenly Father feeds the birds,
because He certainly knows how to care for us!
I don't know about you,
but I had a few challenges this week,
and I needed this reminder that
if God loves the birds so much and cares for them,
He will surely take care of me.
And He used a beautiful Baltimore Oriole
to get His point across!
And then he even came back,
and brought his wife with him!