Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer birds at my Feeder

Many people only feed birds in the winter, but I enjoy feeding them year round. 
The variety has been less this summer than last.
Here are some that I caught this evening:

I always love the bright red cardinals.

The tufted titmouse is not shy, and doesn't fly away -
 even when I'm watering my plants below the feeder!

This little downy woodpecker and his mate are frequent visitors.

The black capped chickadee is like his cousin the titmouse,
and seems more tame than many of the other birds.

The house finch and the purple finch are regular visitors,
and are not easy to tell apart at a quick glance.

The goldfinches aren't as numerous as they were earlier this spring.

This ladder backed woodpecker is easily frightened -
probably because he knows my husband won't tolerate
him pecking on our house!

Blue jays, blue buntings, various types of sparrows, and an occasional grossbeak
have made appearances, but I haven't been able to catch them on camera.

Our mulberry tree puts out berries all summer,
and is a favorite of the robins and mockingbirds.

Birdwatching makes me appreciate our Creative Creator.
Each bird is so unique in its markings, behaviors, bird calls,
 songs, and even in its choice of what it likes to eat.

Are you a birdwatcher?
Do you have a favorite bird?

To see my Names of God on Rocks post for this week, click HERE!


Aritha V. said...

What a nice birds in your country. As child I often looked to birds. I lived in a wooded area. There were also many fields so I could see the plovers, the larks. Especially I liked the sparrows!

I remember a cold winter. For weeks, frost and snow. One day a hawk tapped on our window. It was impressive. He was hungry and wanted to have our canary, whoi n his birdcage hopped around.

Atelier LifeArt said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Beautiful photos of birds that I love! These beautiful birds I have not in my backyard, but who come here have enough to eat;) The Magpies grab the big chunks from the bowl of our dog, that are now our neighbors;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Esther Joy - I love watching the birds feeding out of the bird feeder near my bedroom window. They make me feel happy. Great pics
God bless

Tracy said...

Ahhhh, Esther, I love the birds and we feed them year round! I love watching them and I like all the birds but my favorites are the yellow finches :) Great place you have here!

Kate said...

Those photos are absolutely LOVELY! I'm going to have my daughter check them out...she is a budding photographer and loves taking nature photos. The creativity of God never ceases to amaze me!

Thanks for linking this up today.

VBR said...

such beautiful little creatures. you must really enjoy seeing the variety that comes to snack at your feeders. lovely.

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Your bird feeder shots are fantastic! Love the cardinal one.

~Naila Moon

Anonymous said...

Beautiful birds. I love birds, but I always feel like I'm just setting a trap for my cats when I feed the birds. Thanks for letting me enjoy yours.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos. Excellent series. My favorite is the bright red cardinals.

SarahBeth said...

Such beauty visiting your yard! I love birds, especially cardinals, though mine are scattered throughout my home as little figurines. I do love watching the ones that visit my yard -- especially the cardinal couple that nest somewhere nearby!

Anonymous said...

You have so many different kinds coming. What fun!

Jo said...

i do love watching birds ... they are amazing creatures, my favourite is the hummingbird!

Naperville Now said...

Here in Illinois, we are hearing that the weather has made it very difficult for birds to find insects to eat so they are "starving." We have thistle, but the raccoons do a number on anything other form of feed, unfortunately. Lovely shots all.

anitamombanita said...

we were just talking about putting up some bird feeders today. We wake up to a symphony of birds every morning. I love it!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Lovely birds! We have one particular little guy who cheerily chirps and sweetly sings on top of our chimney every morning!

Blessings & Aloha!
So happy to stop and say hello!

mrs. c said...

We also feed birds year round. We have several bird feeders outside our t.v. room and my hubby loves to photograph them. We have many of the same birds as you but also Doves, Crows(they never come to the feed but like out water features). have a wonderful weekend.

mrs. c said...

We also feed birds year round. We have several bird feeders outside our t.v. room and my hubby loves to photograph them. We have many of the same birds as you but also Doves, Crows(they never come to the feed but like out water features). have a wonderful weekend.

Judie said...

I love feeding the birds!! We have lots of finches and now we have a family of cardinals who come. The doves are always around, and they make quite a mess. The Gambel quails make nests on the ground in our yard.

Theresa Plas said...

Oh I Love these! Amazing you have such a variety there and you captured them all on camera! Terrific of my faves for sure!

The Poet said...

These are great. I love all the different colors of birds. Thanks for sharing.

Flaws Of A Woman

Jenny said...

I love birds! There are a lot of great birding areas in Arizona. I think my favorite are always the hummingbirds, though!

Thanks for a fantastic link for the letter "F".

Hope your Fourth if Fabulous, too!
